DSV Rotary Meeting Schedule
Nov 1 – 9: Online Auction for Education
– Click here to bid:https://event.auctria.com/
Nov 2: 6pm – 9pm: Rotary Foundation Dinner with RI Past President Jennifer Jones
Nov 4: 6:30pm – 40th Anniversary Light Parade
– Sign Up:
- 15 people needed for assembly – Nov 4th 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
- 100(ish) people to walk the brief, flat .50 mile in the parade.
Nov 4: Food Box Shopping
– 10:00am – 12:00pm
– Need volunteers (preferably with SUVs) to help shop for final items for Thanksgiving food boxes.
– Most items will be in cases that just need to be picked up at Winco (Pittsburgh) and brought back to my house in Alamo.
– Will require 2 cars in addition to mine. I am paying for all the items. RSVP: https://www.signupgenius.com/
Nov. 7: 7am – Whole Club Assembly
Nov. 12: 3pm – Rise Against Hunger
– Register: http://events.
Nov. 14: 12pm – DG Visit
Nov 17: Food Box Packing
– 6:00pm – 8:00pm
– Meeting Place: 347 Bryan Drive, Alamo
– Sign Up: https://www.signupgenius.com/
Nov. 28: 12pm – TBD
Bishop Ranch Roundhouse
2600 Camino Ramon
San Ramon, CA 94583
Danville San Ramon Rotary
Holiday Party
Details Being Finalized
______________________________ _________
October 24, 2023 Meeting
At our Rotary meeting yesterday Chris Carpenter, from Central San presented. Central San provides wastewater collection, treatment, and disposal services, recycled water production and distribution, and household hazardous waste collection. They serve nearly half a million residents and over 3,000 businesses within 145 square-mile radius. They treat over 30 Million gallons of water a day. Their mission is to protect the public health and the environment. They have been instrumental in detecting the spread of disease through their 24-hour a day lab work.
Yesterday was World Polio Day. Jim Vlantis presented the information below to our Club. What he didn’t include below is that since 1985 Rotary has donated over $2.5 Billion to the cause of eradicating polio! In 1985, when Rotary took on the mission to end polio, over 1,000 children were being paralyzed each year from polio. Since then Rotary has gone to over 200 countries and spent millions of man-hours volunteering to administer the vaccine. Today there are only 2 countries with reported polio cases, which total approximately 20 people. The war on polio needs to continue until it is completely eradicated.
Yesterday was World Polio Day. Jim Vlantis presented the information below to our Club. What he didn’t include below is that since 1985 Rotary has donated over $2.5 Billion to the cause of eradicating polio! In 1985, when Rotary took on the mission to end polio, over 1,000 children were being paralyzed each year from polio. Since then Rotary has gone to over 200 countries and spent millions of man-hours volunteering to administer the vaccine. Today there are only 2 countries with reported polio cases, which total approximately 20 people. The war on polio needs to continue until it is completely eradicated.
Youth Committee Merger Meeting
Thank you to all who were able to attend the Youth Service Committee Meeting and to all who wish to participate in the future. Your contributions have been invaluable to formulating a scope of our future Youth Services activities. A summary is presented below and attached in a single document for your review and reference. Our next step is to present the scope of services to the Steering Committee and ask for club participation in filling needed leadership roles designated in red. Lastly, we will need to identify funding sources within the Foundation and/or Club budget to support our Youth Service activity.
After discussion, the committee settled on a primary focus in continuing the Interact Club at Cal High, re-energizing the Dougherty Valley Interact Club this school year and re-establishing an Interact Club in 2024-25 for San Ramon Valley. (Leader needed for SRV Interact advisor)
If funding is available and the Board approves, the Youth Services committee would like to continue to offer 2 Camp Royal spots for Cal High, 1 for Dougherty Valley and 1 for San Ramon Valley. (Leader needed for SRV camp selection)
Cal High will send 2 Camp Venture students and Dougherty 1 camp venture student.
Cal High will continue with its scholarship program this year with Rotary determine funding sources for Dougherty and San Ramon Valley next year. (Leader needed for DV and SRV scholarship selection)
Graduation stoles will continue to be awarded to Cal High with Dougherty Valley and San Ramon added in subsequent years.
Student of the Month (SOM) will continue through Cal High and developed at Dougherty Valley (Leader needed for DV and SRV SOM selection)
Continue with Male and Female athletes of the year. A committee needs to be developed to determine funding and location of the events.
Combine Dictionary Distributions with designation of Rotarian in charge of distribution teams (Leader needed for coordinating Dictionary distribution)
Vocational activities would like to be continued focusing on vocational exchange, military opportunities and young women mentorship (Leader needed for providing vocational programs at all three schools)
It was recommended that Rotary consider partnership with the School District for Educator of the Year Awards with possible sponsorship options rather than duplicate the effort by the club. (a committee should be formulated through Community Services to address the opportunities)
Interact Activities that will be pursued are USA Maps for selected Elementary Schools and a Glide Volunteer activity in San Francisco.
Rise Against Hunger will include Interact Clubs and the Danville SR Club
Consideration will be given for re-instituting the 4 Way Test Speech Contest for Cal High, Dougherty and San Ramon Valley. (Leader needed for oratory contest)
Youth Exchange: Consider funding an outgoing student in 2024-25 and examine interest in hosting incoming foreign exchange student among club members.
Gary Sloan

The 2023 San Ramon Rotary Club’s Online Auction for Education is almost here, and you won’t be disappointed with the items up for bid starting November 1st! Please remember to log in to your account and make sure that your information is correct (including your credit card information). The Online Auction starts November 1st at 8AM, and ends November 9th at 8PM. To preview items or update your account, go to the Auction site: www.srvef.org/auction.
Remember that all proceeds support education in the San Ramon Valley with the San Ramon Valley Education Foundation as the largest benefactor – so bid early and bid often!!!! Set your alarm for 8 a.m. November 1st, and start bidding!
The San Ramon Rotary Club is still accepting auction item donations and cash sponsorships. We accept all typical auction items including sports tickets and memorabilia, golf certificates, and of course, gift cards or certificates for local shopping and restaurants. For more information, send an email to: srvefauction@gmail.com.
*Also, if you would like to volunteer with item distribution following the end of the auction, please send an email to Terry Koehne, Online Auction Chair, at tkoehne11@gmail.com.
San Ramon City, Chamber, and
Rotary 40th Anniversary Light Parade
November 4, 2023
6:30 PM
Camino Ramon Drive to Bishop Drive, San Ramon
Get ready for an electrifying celebration like no other as San Ramon turns 40!
The festivities will stretch along Camino Ramon to Bishop Drive, painting the streets with a dazzling display of lights and colors.
This parade is an invitation to all families, neighborhood groups, and businesses to come together and celebrate San Ramon’s remarkable journey. Dancers, illuminated floats, bands, auto clubs, and a captivating showcase of entertainment will transform this evening into a luminescent birthday celebration for our entire San Ramon community.
Mark your calendars, invite your loved ones, and let’s light up the night together as we commemorate San Ramon’s 40th Anniversary. Stay tuned for more details and surprises as we approach this luminous occasion. See you on November 4th!
Fall Gardening Tip
NOW is the time for trimming/removing a Tree or large Shrub! November and December are the ONLY months when there are no baby animals nesting in your trees/shrubs. Any other month you will likely be killing or maiming various immature bird species and tree squirrels which are unable to escape! While tree trimmers are totally aware that it is illegal to disturb an active nest, they do their very best to NOT see it! They want to work year-around and are reluctant to tell their clients that they will need to avoid trimming around nests for fear that the homeowner will cancel the work.
So, don’t wait until spring — the very worst time — to think about contracting for this work! Do it NOW!
We Sponsor
Dougherty Valley High School Interact Club
Our Motto: Service Above Self
Are you looking to make a difference?
Attend A Meeting!
We work together to support and do projects that help local schools, community organizations, and international needs.