David Meyer presented this month’s Student and Teacher Awards to Peter Riley and Leslie Phillips. The new Charlotte Wood Middle School Principal, Chris George, spoke to us about why the school chose the recipients.
Chris stated that Peter embodies the qualities of students that are needed in today’s society, i.e. make things better and get the job done. As Student Body President, Peter exhibits effective leadership qualities and led students in well-thought out school recommendations .
Leslie was chosen as Teacher of the Year because she helps both students and teachers with learning technology and computer tools. She teaches students and teachers at their pace. Her classroom buzzes with excitement and she reaches kids that are not as engaged. Besides all this, she works on the Yearbook and school fundraisers.
Bart Podgorski was the Rotarian Sponsor. His daughter, Julia, who was in attendance is also a student and Charlotte Wood.
Cheri Clason from Congressman McNerney’s office presented a Proclamation to Peter and Leslie.